San Diego County Sheriff's Deputy Serenades Seniors Amid Pandemic

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department has operated a YOU ARE NOT ALONE program for a few years, but with the current pandemic and Stay At Home orders, this program has taken even greater importance for our senior population. Many are isolated and live alone. The YOU ARE NOT ALONE program has deputies calling and checking in with seniors throughout the county.

Deputy Roland Garza decided to make the YOU ARE NOT ALONE program even more meaningful by visiting seniors in San Diego and performing songs for them. The visits brought smiles to their faces and some even stood up and danced. It was a wonderful thing to see and it underscores the importance of making sure our parents and grandparents who may live alone, know that they are loved.

Watch Deputy Garza singing The Beatles I Want To Hold Your Hand and Charlie Puth's One Call Away.

Image courtesy of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department

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