How Different Will July 4th Weekend Be in San Diego?

The July 4th weekend is coming, and there is warmer weather in the forecast and there are big waves forecast as well.

Typically, the beaches in San Diego on what it is usually the biggest of the summer weekends for outdoor activities would be filled with swimmers, surfers, sunbathers, with big groups getting together for games on the beach. The weather conditions should be near perfect.

But in this summer of 2020, in this year of the unprecedented pandemic, our beaches will look and be a little different.There are already restrictions on what you can do at local beaches.But now there are some worries, among some, that the decision to close bars, breweries and wineries in the county could lead to more restrictions at the beaches.

Los Angeles County has already said it is closing their beaches this holiday weekend.Could San Diego County beaches be next?But even if beaches remain open the July 4th weekend in San Diego is going to be unlike any other. With pretty much any gathering anywhere restricted and face masks required.

And no fireworks show this year over San Diego Bay or over almost any other city except El Cajon, Poway and maybe one or two more.And they will be socially distanced fireworks displays with no crowds anywhere close.

This July 4th will be celebrated in a way that is unlike those before it, and it also comes at a time when there is a national conversation going on about what America should look and stand for.

And that might make this July 4th maybe one of the most important ever.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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