Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2020

While we are all dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, it's important to remember that breast cancer is still a threat - one in every eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer. It's the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the U.S. and after lung cancer is the leading cause of death among women.

August 11, 2020 marks the nationwide kickoff of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign. For years, this event has been more than just a walk - it's been a movement. This fall will look different but the American Cancer Society's mission to end breast cancer is the same. They envision a future where our children will no longer live with the threat of breast cancer. The momentum they have made in "making strides against breast cancer" is in jeopardy - help, funding and awareness are critical.

During the first-ever nationwide virtual kickoff, survivors, researchers, and participants will talk about why progress can't be put on hold and we will learn about ways to participate virtually in the Making Strides Walk this fall.

For the latest information about breast cancer, review the 2019-2020 Breast Cancer Facts & Figures document.

Photo: Getty Images

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