POLL: How Healthy Are America's Founding Principles in this Pandemic Year

Could any more be happening? And it’s not just the pandemic, the politics and the protests which would be enough for any one year.

2020 also has brought us record-setting heat and record setting wildfires that have sent unhealthy smoke and air thousands of miles away across the U.S. and beyond.

We’ve also seen a rise in the number and size of hurricanes and some unusually mild weather swings of 80 degrees in one day. It’s like Mother Nature is a little upset.

Of course politics here in 2020 are upsetting a lot of Americans with those on the left and the right not happy with a lot of what is going on.

And according to a new poll, in this year of the virus, the health of some of the principles on which our country was founded are at their lowest levels in several years.

The poll of hundreds of political scientists who study these kinds of things, found large declines among several of America’s founding principles including the protection of free speech, the tolerance for peaceful protest and the safety and protection from political violence.

The poll gives the U.S. strong marks for topics such as political party activity and the ability to have opinions heard. But poor grades for civility and behavior and seeking compromise.

And only time will tell if the effects of all that is happening in 2020 will linger on well beyond this year.

(Photo Getty Images)

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