WATCH: A Response to the Face Mask Debate

Now into the 8th month since the coronavirus pandemic, there still is a battle going on over the wearing of face masks.

Virtually all health professionals from Dr. Fauci to the doctor down the street say wearing a mask when in public and around people outside of your own family, is the one thing that reduces the spread of the virus.

And while most people do, there are some who don’t and even won‘t. So how we get more people to wear face masks?

Some researchers in Denmark may have found an answer. They did a study to find out and they say that what they found

They say they study found that caring more about other people, or having more empathy for others, plays a major role in who does and doesn’t follow face mask and social distancing guidelines. They showed people in their study from three different countries personal stories about coronavirus patients.

They discovered that learning about actual people directly affected by the virus developed a higher level of empathy for the crisis…and a greater willingness to use face masks and remain socially distant.

As the health experts have said from the beginning, wearing a mask is just as much about protecting others as it is about protecting yourself.

And now with this new study, there is proof that caring for others is a cure for making a difference when it comes to fighting a pandemic.


(Photo Getty Images)

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