Newsom Jealous as Texas Re-Opens and California Remains Locked-Down

Newsom responds in anger as Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that statewide pandemic restrictions put in place last year, including his statewide mask mandate and capacity restrictions, will end on March 10.

"It is now time to open Texas 100%. Every business that wants to open should be open," Governor Abbott said. “This must end.”

“Wouldn’t you love to hear those words from Gavin Newsom?” asked Carl DeMaio.

Abbott’s new executive order allows all businesses of any type to open at 100% capacity and rescinds his previous order requiring Texans to cover their faces. Businesses are no longer mandated to require masks, but they can still issue their own individual mask requirements.

Meanwhile, despite rapidly declining Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, almost the entire state of California (all of Southern California) remains in the most restrictive, purple-tier.

Governor Newsom responded to the news by re-Tweeting out the Associated Press story of Governor Abbott’s announcement with simply this remark; “Absolutely reckless.”

“Gavin Newsom is ever-elite and tone-deaf” said DeMaio  

“This is coming from a guy that decided he could dine indoors, send his kids to private schools (after he shut down public schools), and has consistently said one thing and done another.” DeMaio stated. “Newsom’s lockdowns have failed miserably by every single standard and he’s jealous of the success of Governor Abbott.”

Some states are already hinting that they will follow Governor Abbott’s lead and will lift mandates put in place due to the pandemic. 

The massive enthusiasm behind the Recall efforts of Newsom prove that California residents have had enough of the Governor’s draconian lockdowns. Will Newsom break under the pressure and finally reopen the state?

Listen to Carl give you the answer and break down the numbers of Texas vs California HERE

**Photo Credit: Getty Images

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