La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Board Member Charda Bell-Fontenot Opposes School Reopenings and Claims Asking Teachers to Return to Work in Classrooms is an Act of “White Supremacy”
A group of outraged parents and concerned citizens today formally announced a recall campaign against La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Board Member Charda Bell-Fontenot. Among the charges being made in the recall petition are that Bell-Fontenot has irreparably hurt children by keeping schools closed, has callously disregarded parental input, and has created a hostile work environment with her recent offensive comments at a board meeting.
On February 23, the District Board met virtually using zoom video. When the issue of reopening schools came up, Bell-Fontenot became agitated, attacked fellow board members and staff, and declared that asking teachers to return to work in classrooms “seems like a very white supremacist ideology to force people to comply with…you know…to conform…just letting you know…I don’t want to be part of forcing anybody to do anything they don’t want to do - that’s what slavery is.”
The video with these offensive remarks is posted online at
The recall is being launched with the backing of Carl DeMaio and his political action committee Reform California. DeMaio led the last successful recall of a state office holder in California and is also currently backing the Recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom.
“Charda Bell-Fontenot not only voted to continue to inflict harm on our children by keeping La-Mesa Spring Valley Schools closed, but her use of false, reckless and racially-divisive smears to attack those that support school reopening has created a hostile work environment,” said DeMaio.
“For all these reasons we’re eager to make Board Member Bell-Fontenot the first California school board member to be recalled over the issue of closed schools – and if California politicians don’t reopen our schools soon, I predict she won’t be the last,” warned DeMaio.
“I support the recall against Charda Bell-Fontenot because she insulted and belittled parents and her fellow board members and claimed she NEVER has to give a date to reopen,” said Spring Vick, a district parent. “We need school boards members who will work with parents, not against them, that’s why I support the recall” concluded Vick.
Join the effort to recall this bad school board member at