One Year After the Pandemic Became Big News

This week was the week one year ago that the coronavirus became the top story in the news.

And it would soon become the top story in all of our lives in one way or another. There had been plenty of news the month or so before about a virus that had been making people sick in China and a travel ban on people from China coming to the U.S and there had been the news about a handful of cases in the state of Washington and even a couple in California.

But this was the week in 2020 that the word pandemic started to enter into our daily conversations and in the headlines in the national media.

Now one year later, finally, things are much better. After a year of wondering at times if things would ever get back to normal, we now know that normal is possible even if it’s several months away yet. As a doctor told CNN the other day, “Think of it more like we are turning up the light on a dimmer switch”. And adding…“It’s been really dark and now it is going to get progressively lighter each month.

As all of the health experts had told us, the arrival of the vaccines would begin to move us toward the normal we want. And we should all be thankful that they were developed in historically record time. More than 10-percent of the U.S population is now reported by the CDC to have now been fully vaccinated, and while a small percentage right now, it will grow every week and every month.

And one day, in the several months ahead, we hope that that dimmer switch we hear about will be fully on.

(Photo Getty Images)

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