The Battle to Vaccinate More

Things have dramatically changed when it comes to vaccinations.

The first shortage was about not having enough vaccine for all the people who wanted to be vaccinate against the COVID virus. Now the shortage is ab0ut there not being enough people who want to be vaccinated.

Remember the long lines of cars and the long wait for appointments? No more. Now you can show up at almost any location that is giving vaccinations and get one. In n out. And even faster than you can get in and out of California’s iconic burger place.

The county says more than 1.2 million residents have been fully immunized. But they want to get to at least 2-million people protected against the virus to help get to herd immunity and the spread and the pandemic will be pretty much in the past. So why the shortage of people who want to get vaccinated?

Is it that as more and more people have been vaccinate and the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths have fallen, it has given a lot if younger people the feeling that the virus is going away?

Is it that there more people with needle phobia than we think?

Or is it that there more people who don’t believe in the vaccine than we think?

Dr. Marlene Millen, with UC San Diego Health told the Union Tribune, the effort to reach as many people as possible to convince them to get the vaccine has increased, saying. “We’re in what we call the ‘hand-to-hand combat’ phase of vaccination.”

What happens in the next weeks and months could determine if the pandemic we all want to go away, finally will.

(Photo Getty Images)

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