What Vaccine Mandates Could Mean for Holidays

The City of San Diego’s deadline of Dec. 1st for all city employees to be vaccinated against the COVID virus is now official and that means we can expect more battles in court.

The debate over vaccinations has clearly heated up with the holiday season now here and increased concerns over the new variant and the arguments over vaccine mandates have only gotten worse.

In recent days, courts have put on hold the student vaccine mandate in San Diego Unified and the health care worker mandates in several states around the country and the Biden administration’s mandate on large employers to require their workers to get vaccinated.

Outside of courtrooms, among families and friends, disagreements between those who are vaccinated and those who are not are increasing. And those who strongly believe in being vaccinated don’t understand those who don’t…who don’t agree with those who tell them they must be vaccinated.

As one now-former San Diego cop, who resigned this month over the city’s vaccine mandate, told the Union Tribune, “It’s really infringing on our freedoms,” he said. “It’s my body; it’s my choice.”

And some health care workers who refuse to be vaccinated are on social media with posts about once being hailed as heroes in the fight against COVID and now are being called enemies in that fight.

The pandemic is not as bad as it was a year ago when the COVID "Grinch" stole Christmas, and kept us all apart, but we are still divided over what to do about it.

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: Getty Images

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