What People in Ukraine and Russia Are Saying About War

Things have changed in the world as of last night when Russian attacked Ukraine.

This is not something anyone wanted. Not in the United States. Not in Europe. Not almost anywhere else in the world. And obviously not in Ukraine where the thoughts of one woman probably reflect everyone’s thoughts there in that country today, “We are facing a war and horror. What could be worse?”

And what about in Russia?  What do the Russian people themselves think about what has happened?  The comment from one woman there telling the New York Times, may reflect a lot the feelings of many others in Russia.  “Things are going to be very, very uncertain”, she said, “and, most likely, very sad.”

An independent pollster says war is one of the greatest fears of the Russian people.  But then the way information is controlled there, we don’t hear much from opponents to what the leader of Russia has done.

Having been to Russia and to Moscow once, just a few years ago, the most unexpected discovery was how authentically warm and friendly the people were. And many wanting to know about America.

On this morning after the start of a war that very few wanted, there are many people in Ukraine, in Russia, in the U.S and everywhere who are hoping, and yes, praying for peace. 

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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