WATCH: What the War in Ukraine Costs Us and Reminds Us

The war in Ukraine that Russia started is thousands of miles away, but its impact is already hitting our hearts and our lives here in the United States.

We already are seeing the signs of even higher prices we will have to pay to fill up our cars and heat our homes. And it looks like all costs will go up.

But as we all watch the scenes on TV and the videos posted on social media from Ukraine, it hits us in our hearts.  We are seeing once again, sadly and tragically, the real cost of war. The fear, the deaths, the injuries and the lives shattered. Yet the despite being outnumbered militarily, we are watching the Ukrainians fighting to save their country.

Nothing better has displayed the courage of the Ukrainian people than that video of a Russian ship radioing to a group of Ukrainian soldiers defending a small island along the coast to surrender or face a missile strike. The Ukrainian soldiers responding back with a message to go you know what.  Reports say all the soldiers died.

And then there is a video on social media with the hashtag "StandWithUkraine" (SEE BELOW). It shows a young father putting his little daughter on a bus filled with refugees heading out of Ukraine and telling her that he has to stay to fight.

We may not like the impact of the sanctions on Russia, but watching what the people in Ukraine are doing, but maybe it will remind us and accept the truth that making sacrifices is sometimes the cost of freedom.

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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