Poll Shows Republicans Could Defeat "Turncoat" Assemblyman in 2022

Reform California poll shows dead heat race in Assembly District 76 ahead of 2022 elections.


In the 2022 elections, state Republicans would love to defeat State Assembly Brian Maienschein (D) who is running for re-election in San Diego County in Assembly District 76. Republicans don’t just see Maienschein as just any Democrat – they see him as a “turncoat” who left the Republican Party in 2019 after taking over $1 million in party support in his narrow re-election bid in 2018.

A recent poll by Reform California shows the race is a complete toss-up. According to the poll conducted in early February, 48% of voters in the Assembly District 76 would favor a Republican candidate and 52% would prefer Democrat Brian Maienschein – a razor-thin 4% spread well within the poll’s margin of error. 

Two Republicans are vying for the chance to face off against Maienschein in the November election. The Reform California poll shows businesswoman and water board trustee Kristie Bruce-Lane has a leg up on businesswoman and lawyer June Cutter – who ran unsuccessfully against Maienschein in 2020. In a matchup, Bruce-Lane leads Cutter by 22 points – 36% to 14%. (see full poll below)

Critics say Maienschein’s departure from the Republican Party was not a principled move, but a political one. They say State Democrats had almost defeated Maienschein and offered him a corrupt bargain: join our party or we will target you again for defeat. They claim Maienschein took the corrupt deal - and what he thought would be the rewards of easy re-elections into the future.

The recent redistricting process has dramatically changed Maienschein’s district - making it more Republican - and he now has communities in his new district that he has never represented before. 

Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, says that Maienschein has overstayed his welcome in public service and that’s why DeMaio and Reform California are targeting Maienschein for defeat in 2022.

“Brian Maienschein is a spineless turncoat with zero integrity or principles,” DeMaio said. “His constant flip-flopping and neglect of constituents shows that Maienschein only cares about Maienschein and what’s politically expedient,” said DeMaio. “That’s why it’s time to elect a reform-minded candidate who will stand up for the people and fight for our hardworking families,” he continued.

For years Assemblyman Brian Maienschein has been a controversial figure in San Diego county. First elected to the San Diego City Council in 2000, Maienschein was once seen as a rising star, but very quickly he amassed critics for lazy constituent service.

Maienschein has also been fond of costly tax hikes on working families while serving on the City Council and in the Legislature. He championed and voted for a number of hotel and sales taxes, water rate increases, and other miscellaneous tax hikes. In addition to voting for these tax hikes, Maienschein has supported costly regulations that have destroyed jobs. 

Since becoming a Democrat, Meinschein has moved further to the left — which critics say indicates he has never had core principles.

DeMaio and Reform California have endorsed Bruce-Lane in the primary as their preferred candidate to defeat Maienschein – and say winning this seat is key to breaking the Democrats’ Super-Majority control in Sacramento.

“Kristie is the fighter we need to finally remove Maienschein from office, and I’m confident that she will truly represent and serve the people of her district,” said DeMaio. “She’s committed to stopping the wasteful government spending and costly tax hikes that Maienschein supports — policies that are making it impossible for working families to afford to stay in California,” he concluded.

DeMaio is asking for all San Diegans to join the campaign today to flip this seat and elect reform-minded candidates who will listen to constituents and work to make California affordable again.

Join the Campaign: Defeat Brian Maienschein and Flip Target Seats 

Reform California Assembly District 76 Poll

February 7-10, 2022 N=312

Q1 If the election were held today and you had to make a choice, who would you vote for State Assembly?

  • 50% Brian Maienschien, Democrat, State Assemblyman
  • 36% Kristie Bruce-Lane, Republican, Businesswoman/Water Advocate
  • 14% June Cutter, Republican, Small Businesswoman

Q2. Would you prefer to be represented by a Democrat or a Republican in the State Assembly? * 

  • 49% Democrat
  • 43% Republican
  • 8% Makes no difference

Q3. If the election were held today and you had to make a choice, who would you vote for State Assembly?

  • 52% Brian Maienschein, Democrat, State Assemblyman 
  • 48% Kristie Bruce Lane, Republican, Businesswoman/Water Advocate


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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