Why California’s $400 “Gas Tax Rebate” Isn’t Enough

After rejecting Reform California’s “Gas Tax Holiday” proposal that could save each household $215 per month on gas, California Democrats propose a one-time small $400 rebate to save face


With California’s gas prices setting new national records virtually every day, voters from all political backgrounds are getting upset and want to see relief.

In February, Reform California launched a “Gas Tax Holiday” campaign to immediately suspend all state gas taxes - which would save drivers roughly $1.26 per gallon! Reform California’s petition is at www.GasTaxPetition.org  

Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, says “California has the highest state taxes on gas per gallon in the nation - and it is outrageous that the state’s liberal politicians refuse to grant drivers immediate relief by suspending these costly and unfair state gas taxes.”

Reform California’s proposal reveals the true cost of all the state’s gas taxes:

  • Suspend the Gas Excise Tax: 51.1 cents per gallon
  • Suspend the Gas Cap & Trade Tax: 40-50 cents per gallon
  • Suspend the Sales Tax on Gas: 20-25 cents per gallon

Total Immediate Savings to Californians: $1.11-1.26 per gallon


Earlier this month, Republicans in the State Assembly joined Reform California’s push by forcing a vote on suspending the state Gas Excise Tax. If approved, the measure would have given California’s families immediate relief at the pump of over 51¢ per gallon. The Democrat majority in the State Assembly rejected the measure on Monday in a 40-18 vote.


After public outcry over the vote, Democrats in the California State Legislature are now proposing a flat $400 “gas rebate” check similar to the golden state stimulus checks circulated during the pandemic. The checks would go to every eligible California taxpayer.

DeMaio labeled the effort a deceptive and inefficient way for the Democrats to “save face.” DeMaio points out that the rebate could take 8-12 weeks to reach Californians - and in the meantime struggling families will still have to pay higher prices at the pump.

“California Democrat lawmakers aren’t fooling anyone — they unanimously rejected direct relief at the pump for struggling families,” said DeMaio. 

While DeMaio and Reform California won’t reject the $400 rebates, they are continuing to demand the immediate suspension of the state’s gas taxes. DeMaio says his plan would save the average Californian over $215 per month immediately, far more than a single $400 payment proposed in the gas rebates.

“A politician promising you a so-called ‘rebate’ is not the same as being able to save immediately at the pump,” DeMaio scoffed. “By keeping the high gas taxes in place, what Democrats are saying is ‘give me your money now and I might give you a little back’ — and anyone who trusts that is a fool,” DeMaio noted.

DeMaio and Reform California say they need help running ads to toss-up and undecided voters across the state urging them to join the call for the “Gas Tax Holiday.” 

Join the Fight: Demand California Politicians Suspend the Gas Tax


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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