STUDY: How Many Cups of Coffee are Good for Your Health

Another study is out about the health benefits of drinking coffee and if you’re one of those who may doubt these studies, this one is a big one.

The scientists in this study, done in the United Kingdom, tracked more than 400-thousand people over a decade.

The study found that having two or three cups a day could add years to your life by keeping your heart healthier. The researchers say they found that coffee lowers the risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms. And they say their study found this benefit applies to both healthy people and those with cardiovascular disease.

The senior author of the study, a professor from the Baker Heart Institute, says the people who had two to three cups of coffee a day had a 10 to 15-percent lower risk of developing coronary heart disease, heart failure, a heart rhythm problem, or dying for any reason. And he says that benefit is in comparison to adults who never drink coffee.

Why would coffee be good for your health? The researchers say it’s because coffee beans have more than 100 nutritious plant chemicals in them and that helps reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity and metabolism.

Coffee, of course, is not the only kind of food that helps do some of those things, but as the news about this new study comes out, guess we shouldn’t be surprised if the lines at the coffee drive-throughs start getting longer.


(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: Getty Images

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