Volunteers Help Connect Homeless in Rural Areas with Resources

RAMONA - The homeless problem in San Diego County is not only found in the cities but in rural areas as well.

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department has a Volunteer Mounted Unit where men and women on horseback make contact with homeless persons living in the back country. Chad Campbell is one of thirteen volunteers with the unit and he tells reporting partner 10 News it's about offering assistance.

"We generally act as eyes and ears for the Sheriff’s Department so if those individuals at the homeless camps need resources we can point them in the right direction," Campbell said.

Sheriff Mounted Unit 1

San Diego County Sheriff's Department Volunteer Chad Campbell stands next to his horse, Maestro.

Photo: San Diego County Sheriff's Department

The volunteers make contact with homeless persons and try to get them into a housing program. If they don't want to leave their camp, the volunteers make sure those sites are clean and most importantly, that they're not starting any fires.

The Sheriff's Department is always looking for volunteers. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Volunteer Mounted Unit can click here.

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