SAN DIEGO - Police are stepping up patrols at one beach in La Jolla after a fight between surfers.
The fight happened back on August 13th when one surfer got into an argument with others in the waters off of Windansea Beach and after some punches were thrown the surfer was held underwater against his will before finally being let back up. San Diego Police are now adding more patrols to the area, including having officers work overtime.
While this is believed to be the first violent altercation reported to police, the La Jolla Light reports the turf war at Windansea Beach has been going on for years.
The President of the Windansea Surf Club told the paper while the club doesn't condone violence, those who surf the area need to respect the locals and wait their turn to catch a wave. The club also says the waves break harder and faster at this spot, so beginners should stay away.