Every day there are lists published online or broadcast on radio and TV about best places for this and that, from the best place to visit, the best place to work, and the like.
But a headline today published by an online news organization is one that few of us would ever have expected. It was at Newseek.com and reads: “Best places to survive nuclear war in the U.S.”
For those generations who grew up in the 50s and 60s who huddled under their desks during atomic bomb drills, it’s a headline they certainly hoped they would never see again.
And for anyone who grew up in the 70s and most of the 80s, there was the cold war that continued until the wall came down, Reagan and Gorbachev shook hands, and the Soviet Union was no more.
And most of us thought we wouldn’t have to worry about nuclear war.
Yet here we are in 2022, with the president of what was supposed to be a new Russia, a good Russia, threatening to use them and world leaders worried that he actually could.
And all of this talk is clearly unsettling for the current generations who have just started to become less worried about a pandemic. There have always been wars and rumors of wars but right now we need and want to see more headlines, and talk, about peace, somehow, someway.
(Photo Getty Images)