What a New Study Says About Life

The headline on a new study that came out this week that reads, “People who are spiritually fulfilled twice as likely to believe they control their happiness.

In a survey of some 2,000 people, 74 percent also say they believe in the theory that positive thinking will bring positive experiences.

The survey also found a lot of support for other spiritual belief including karma, fate and the existence a higher power, God.  While more than 60 percent of people in the survey said they were raised in an organized religion, only 20 percent of them say they still follow that same religion now. And most of those polled say they consider themselves more spiritual than religious.

This same week another study came out that found that since the start of the pandemic, the percent of Christians who believe Jesus lived a life without sin has dropped and that church attendance has dropped by some 15 million people weekly.

That study, from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, raised questions about what these Christians believe.

As the Christian website, called “Got Questions” put it, “If Jesus were not sinless, there would be no sacrifice for sin.”  In other words, it’s what the Christian faith is all about.

These studies and others like them all make it pretty clear that for most people, life is much more than just being born, living and then dying.

And that most people believe there is a purpose and deeper meaning for life and for their lives.

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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