Hoping for a Solution to the Homeless Problem

So now what happens?

Having driven through the downtown area of San Diego this week after the passage of the no homeless camps on public property ordinance and the announcement by Mayor Todd Gloria and other city leaders of the opening of the first of two so called safe sleeping sites for the homeless, and now a lawsuit against the city by some downtown businesses, you have to wonder.

Are we finally at a tipping point when it comes to improving San Diego’s biggest problem?

To drive through downtown means seeing hundreds of homeless tents and makeshift shelters everywhere. From the sidewalks in the east village to the overpasses along the 5 freeway.

The size of the problem is huge. And there are those who are saying that these latest efforts to make things better for the homeless and for the businesses and the summer tourists is way too little way too late.

So what does happen now?  Will the homeless problem become less of a problem anytime soon?

We will wait and see and only hope that it will.

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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