A Message You Don't Want to Send to Your Kids

If you are still looking at making a New Year’s resolution, a recent study might suggest an idea for you.

According to this study, three out of five American parents admit that they spend more time on their electronic devices than their kids do.

The research shows that on average, moms and dads spend nearly five hours a day on their phones and portable electronic devices. And that’s more than the less than four hours they spend every day on meaningful activities with their kids.

Lots of studies have revealed the negative effects of screen time on young and the developing minds of kids and teens.

But this study suggests that while a lot of parents set rules to limit their kids’ time on electronic devices, a lot of them at the same time are not modeling that behavior themselves.

Sure there are times when you have to check your phone or respond or send a text or search for information, but experts suggest that when you don’t need to do any of that, and when you are spending time with the kids, put down your phone or put it in your purse or pocket. 

When kids see you constantly with and especially on your phone, it can send the wrong message and your kids are likely to copy your behavior.

Yes, these devices have become part of our daily lives, but this study is a reminder that we should not let them control our lives.

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: Getty Images

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