WATCH: The Big Take Aways from the Miramar Air Show

It was America’s finest air show in America’s finest city with America’s finest weather.

The clouds burned away and there were clear blue skies for the Miramar Air Show over the last three days.

Hundreds of thousands of people from across the county and beyond waited in lines of traffic and many had to walk a long distance too.

But pretty much every one we talked to said it was worth it to see what they saw in the skies over San Diego.

Amazing aircraft, from the Navy Blue Angels to the F-35 fighter jet to the F-22 Raptor and other military aircraft in the air and on the ground spread across the tarmac on the huge Marine base.

But most of all, what young and old alike seemed to enjoy just as much, especially the kids and teens, was the chance to meet and talk to the men and women who are the Marines who live and work in our community.

With more military bases in San Diego than in any other city in the U.S. our community is rich with military history and rich with the special people who show us every day the commitment, character and courage of these Marines and sailors in San Diego. And there were likely many young people in the huge crowds at the Miramar Air Show who were inspired, as some are every year, to serve their country



(Photos: W.J. Albert for KOGO News)

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