So what do you do if you’re one of the thousands of SDG&E customers who have had their power shut off due to the risk of wildfires? It’s an effort to reduce chances of the strong winds knocking down power lines into dry brush and sparking flames.
The number of shut-offs having risen from a few thousand Monday to tens of thousands today, a lot of residents in San Diego County are faced with that question. And more could be with SDG&E saying the shutoffs could reach more than 110 thousand in all.
It’s an inconvenience for all, but for some, it can be life threatening if they rely on electricity to run oxygen machines or other medical-related devices. That’s why the power companies send out notices ahead of time.
Over the years, more and more people have bought themselves gas powered generators, but many have to go to community centers set up to help or move in with friends or relatives in an areas that are not affected.
Anyone who has lived in Southern California for any length of time knows that, as they say, wildfires come with the territory. Thankfully, fire spotting and National Weather Service and power company technology along with improved and expanded firefighting tactics all have made a difference in efforts to reduce the risk and the size of wildfires.
But we still all need to do what we can to always be prepared.
(Photo reporting partner 10News)