Number of Families Seeking Help In San Diego East County Has Tripled

For years, KOGO has helped The Salvation Army East County collect financial donations and toys for area residents in need. This year, with so many families struggling due to the pandemic, the organization reports that they are trying to help three times as many people as last year. The pandemic has also had a devastating impact on The Salvation Army, who has been unable to operate their annual Red Kettle program, which generates thousands in donations.

The Salvation Army East County (TSAEC) is meeting the challenges of 2020 by doing things differently so that they can help as many families as possible. Here's how you can help:

  • Drive-thru Toy & Food Drive - Saturday (12/19) from 10am - 1pm

Bring donations to The East County Red Shield Center at 1025 Main Street in El Cajon, where the TSAEC staff will be in full PPE and ready to collect donations from your vehicle. Items most needed are non-perishable food, warm clothing/coats, and new unwrapped toys (especially for older children).

  • Virtual Red Kettle - make a monetary donation online CLICK HERE
  • Angle Tree Program - donate specific items through an online shopping registry CLICK HERE

We hope you'll join us in helping east county families in need this holiday season.

Salvation Army Annual Red Kettle For Holiday Donations

Photo: Getty Images

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