We’ve seen it happening in Texas after Hurricane Harvey and we’ve seen it happening in Florida and in the Caribbean after Hurricane Irma.
And it’s not the first time we’ve seen it. We’ve seen it recently as well in the Northern California and in the Northwest with the many wildfires burning this summer.
And we’ve seen it after some of the massive wildfires in San Diego County over the years.
We see it every time there is a natural disaster in our country.
And we saw it yesterday as listeners to KOGO and the other iHeartradio stations and viewers of NBC brought hundreds of household and personal items, from flashlights to diapers, from clothing to canned goods during our drive to help the victims from the recent hurricanes.
There have been many stories of compassion coming from the areas where Hurricanes Harvey and Irma damaged homes and shattered lives.
From those rescued by neighbors and strangers in the middle of rising flood waters to the people from all over the country have gone to Texas and Florida as volunteers to do whatever they can do to help others recover, we’ve seen the compassion spreading through areas where the hurricanes caused destruction.
And all of it is reassuring that even at a time when our country is divided politically and even culturally, there are so many who come together to help others.
Disasters will happen but it’s been encouraging to be reminded once again that when bad things happen, good things also happen.
(Photo credit C. Albert)