Cheech Marin on Pot Legalization and Up In Smoke's 40th Anniversary

The movie that changed people's perceptions and made marijuana a mainstream topic turns 40 this month.  Cheech Marin gives his perspective on the popularity of "Up In Smoke," his support of marijuana's legalization and his own thriving cannabis company. 

Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong started working together at a Canadian improv club in the 1970's before taking their comedy act on tour.  As their popularity grew, they decided the next logical step was to make a movie and that's how "Up In Smoke" came to be.  Because of the subject matter and the fact that they weren't established actors, they had no studio backing so the duo fronted the expense of making "Up In Smoke" themselves.

For Cheech, a successful acting career followed "Up In Smoke" that includes movies and TV.  The success of his acting career has allowed Cheech to pursue a number of other business ventures, including his own line of Mezcal and Cheech's Private Stash (CPS), a family-managed labor of love.  Along with his son Joey, who functions as CPS’ quality control inspector, personally selects and tests all strains. Every one requiring Cheech’s “Smoke of Approval” before it can be packaged with the promise that “…it will always be good.”

You can follow Cheech on his social accounts at Twitter: @CheechMarin / Instagram: @cheechmarinofficial and @cheechsprivatestash

Photo: Getty Images

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