Can Republican John Cox catch up in the polls to win the race for governor here in California?
Polls show him well behind Democratic Lt Governor Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco.
Newsom has been eyeing the governor’s job for years and he’s worked at it for sure.
To better his chances in the November 6th election, Newsom went after his fellow Democrat in the June primary, former L-A mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, pretty hard and it worked.
And that certainly helped John Cox finish second in the primary and win the runoff spot against Newsom.
But Cox doing that was still a big surprise, even among some Republicans. Since then, Cox has been criticized by some Republicans who think he’s not campaigned well and don’t think he can win the election in 13 days.
But this business owner from the south side of Chicago does not sound like a guy who’s giving up, despite having lost every political race he’s run back in Illinois, which of course has a strong Democratic machine.
President Trump has backed him and that may help him get more Republican voters out or could cause more independents to vote against him.
But in our exclusive KOGO news interview with him this week, Cox implied his race against Newsom is not about President Trump but about whether California voters are ready to give a Republican a chance at being governor in a blue state. We’ll know in less than two weeks.
(Photo: Reporting partner 10News)