There is Hope After a Weary Week in America

This has been a weary week in America.

In this week after the week that the country witnessed three mass shootings in one week, there has been a lot of talk in the national media about how significant this week has been and whether it is a moment that will lead to some solutions to the mass shooting problem.

With emotions still so raw for so many people in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton, and the need for so much healing that is so badly needed to happen, there seems to be an uneasiness about what’s ahead.

And it’s no wonder what with signs that it may not be easy to find those solutions.

Democrats and Republicans in Congress are sparring with some in the same party squabbling with each other.The President continues his attacks on his opposition.Twitter is now in a battle with the leader of the U.S. Senate.

Across the country, those on the left and the right in the debate over guns are fired up.Just go on social media to see the verbal shots being taken at one another.

This week has probably made a lot of people in America weary. They are weary of the mass shootings and those who carry them out and of the seemingly never-ending conflict over all this between political parties and just people.

The good news is that having interviewed several leaders in the fields of law enforcement, culture and mental health over the last week or so, it has been encouraging to hear all of them say that despite the weariness and frustrations over what to do about all this, they are hopeful and even optimistic that solutions will be found and that things will get better. We can only hope and pray.

READ THIS: Managing your distress after mass shootings.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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