A Vaccination for Politics?

What happened along a street in Sacramento this week may not only be a sign of the debate over vaccinations heating up again in California.

Could is also be a sign of the increased divisiveness in politics?

According to the video of it, the 54 year old guy first followed State Senator Richard Pan as he walked, confronting him with question after question and then finally pushed him.

He was charged with misdemeanor assault and afterwards was quoted by a Sacramento TV station as saying he doesn’t regret doing it.

The state senator who was assaulted is also a physician and the sponsor of a bill that would prevent doctors in the state from using fraudulent medical exemptions to parents who opposed vaccinations for their kids.

The guy who pushed the state senator s not only an anti-vaxxer, but reports say he also filed paperwork to run against Dr. Pan but didn’t make it on the ballot.

Some anti-vax groups have condemned the guy for what he did. But at public hearings and debates over the vaccination issue, voices have been raised and angry words have bee said.

It is an emotional issue. But there are a lot of emotional issues in politics right now. And there are a lot of mean and angry things being said about many of them from both sides during all this divisiveness going on in politics.

Maybe we need to develop a vaccination against that!


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