The Bad News AND Good News About COVID-19

So we wake up this morning to find out that just when we thought things were about to get better after seven weeks of shutdowns and stay home orders, the Governor is about to close the state’s beaches and state parks.

And that San Diego County, while getting very close now to meeting the federal guidelines necessary to begin opening up things a bit, will officially announce today the indefinite extension of the stay at home order.Not because they might not want to start loosening it, but because until the statewide stay at home order is eased, local counties can’t lift it.

Understandably, one county lifting it and the adjacent county not, might not be the best thing because the coronavirus doesn’t respect county lines.

And then there are the reports of possible shortages of meat, promoting the President to order meat processing plants to stay open.

But we also awakened this morning to hear some of good news, too.

A potentially effective vaccine for the COVID-19 virus is already in phase one clinical trials in England and could be ready by July.

And there are dozens of other bio-tech geniuses around the world, including some here in San Diego working on vaccines and treatments for the virus.

And now some health experts are predicting that a vaccine could be ready for use a lot sooner than first thought.

There’s also the news today that U-C San Diego Health is part of a promising global study about a drug used for rheumatoid arthritis and other auto-immune disorders may be the answer to preventing complications and death from the virus.

Yes, good news is news we all can use right now during a year that will go down as a year like none other, but one during which we will get through it, together, even if we are six feet apart.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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