What's Ahead in the Fight Against the Pandemic?

It’s not the news we want to hear when we're anxious to see fewer re-closings and more re-openings and just as anxious to see school classrooms open sooner than later.

But with California setting statewide record highs for cases of the coronavirus and an increasing number of hospitalizations, there are signs that even stricter measures could be coming.

One of those signs is the mayor of Los Angeles talking about a shutdown of his city if cases don’t slow down.

Another sign was the President saying at his first Coronavirus Task Force news conference since April saying the pandemic will likely get worse before it gets better and reversing his stance on face coverings and making a much stronger push for Americans to wear a mask.

With tomorrow marking the start of the 19th week since the original stay at home order in California, you have to wonder what else Governor Newsom could do to slow down the surge in cases.

San Diego County had been a leader in flattening the curve the first time, but unless we can do it again just as well, it could take a few weeks or longer to get off the watch list and see restrictions loosen up and see school classrooms open again.

Even with the okay from the state and the city now for more businesses along with restaurants to operate outdoors, there are some businesses that can’t and so are still open for business inside behind closed doors and blinds.

The President Tuesday said, “The vaccines are coming, and they’re coming a lot sooner than anyone thought possible.” Let’s hope he’s right. Because at this point, none of us wants that to be fake news.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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