What Parents Are Thinking About as They Wait for Schools to Open

How safe will schools be when they are allowed to open the classrooms and the campuses?

A new survey says most parents are so worried about the health of their kids, that they are ready to make a dramatic change.

The survey of 2-thousand families found that four out of every five parents are thinking about homeschooling their school-age children this fall. And among those parents, almost 50-percent say they are seriously considering keeping their kids home for the whole school year till summer of 2021.

Parents in this survey say they are worried that once kids are back in class, hygiene issues will quickly create a health risks with some 60 percent saying they don’t think their children will properly wash their hands while at school.

That’s despite the fact that many parents say they have been trying to teach their kids about proper hygiene and saying their kids, these kids of the digital generation, are doing a better job of handling all the changes due to the pandemic than they are

But of course that doesn’t mean it’s easy for the kids and when classrooms do open, it won’t be easy for them or for their parents.

The good news is, as one of the researchers put it, “If this happened 25 years ago, there would be much fewer options to successfully open the schools.

But this survey makes it clear, for a lot of parents, school at home is better, for now, than school at school.


(Photo credit Getty Images)

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