Details Revealed About 3 Victims Of Crash Near San Diego City College

Three people were killed when a driver plowed through a homeless camp set up on a sidewalk in downtown San Diego.

The three men, ages 40, 61, and 65, died of "multiple blunt force injuries" reports NBC7.

The identities of the men are still being investigated. San Diego police Lt. Shawn Takeuchi said authorities are still looking for their families which may be a long process since all three men were transients.

NBC7 reports six other people were hurt in the accident. Five were taken to the hospital but no other details on their condition have been released.

The tragedy occurred on Monday, March 15, when a 71-year-old driver, Craig Voss, drove his Volvo station wagon onto a sidewalk.

Voss was impaired while he drove through a tunnel underneath the San Diego Community college campus, reports NBC7.

He is facing three counts of vehicular manslaughter, five counts of causing great bodily harm, and a felony DUI.

Although Voss took a field sobriety test after being arrested at the scene, police have not identified if he was under the influence of alcohol or a different substance.

Michael McConnell, a homeless advocate, spoke out about the inherent danger homeless people face every day.

"This is just the latest tragedy within a horrible crisis called homelessness."

Photo: Getty Images

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