California Destination Named 'Most Boring Tourist Trap' In The Entire State

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California is an extremely beautiful state known for providing an endless amount of diverse activities for travelers across the globe.

From skiing the Sierra Nevada mountains to catching a wave along La Jolla Beach in San Diego, there is no limit to what you can explore when venturing across The Golden State.

Despite being full of immeasurable wonder, there are some places that have garnered a lot of hype over the years that don't seem to impress quite like the rest, especially in person.

According to a list compiled by Far & Wide, the most boring tourist trap in all of California is the "Full House" House located in San Francisco. This place is constantly "mobbed by fans" and is a private residence, so you can't even explore the interior.

Here's what Far & Wide had to say about the most boring tourist trap in the entire state:

"California is a gigantic state with a ton of tourist traps, but we can’t think of any one more polarizing than the “Full House” house. It’s mobbed by fans on a daily basis, and that really annoys the locals. It also creates traffic and safety issues, and you can’t just waltz inside because it’s a private residence. (It hit the market in 2019 for a cool $6 million.) Even getting an exterior shot is tricky, because you have to stand in the middle of a busy street. At best, you’ll get a blurry selfie and a ton of dirty looks from neighbors. How rude!"

For a continued list of the most boring tourist traps across the country check out

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