California Neighborhood Serves The Absolute Best Food In The Entire State

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When it comes to deciding which California neighborhood serves the best food, there is no debate!

Each state is known for creating dishes that stand out from the rest, but where exactly are these dishes served best?

In Pennsylvania, the answer is obvious due in large part to this neighborhood's thriving restaurant scene, delicious menu options, and hearty, must-try Cali favorites!

According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the neighborhood that serves the best food in California is Little Italy, located in San Diego. This neighborhood was praised for their delicious pizza among other standout food items.

Here's what LoveFood had to say about the neighborhood that serves the best food in the entire state:

"San Diego’s historic Little Italy might not be the obvious place to visit for California’s best food, but this low-key neighborhood really is something special. Once a humble fishing community populated by Italian immigrants, it has grown into one of the city’s most interesting attractions. Covering 48 square blocks, it’s the largest Little Italy in the US and is awash with amazing restaurants and bustling patios, including the original location of popular California chain Filippi's Pizza Grotto."

For a continued list of neighborhoods that serve the best food across the country check out

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