Immigration Protest Blocks Traffic on I-5

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Protests against President Donald Trump's immigration policies continued in San Diego on Monday, and one group of protesters marched on I-5's southbound lanes near Chicano Park.

Around 4:45 p.m., the protest shifted. People made their way across the street and onto southbound I-5. By 5:10 p.m., they were cleared. No arrests were made and protestors say their strategy was effective.

One protest leader told reporting partner 10News, "Sending a message isn't always going to be convenient for other people. We need to create commotion sometimes in order to get a conversation going, and if people are still comfortable and they don't have a reason to talk about it, then they won't."

This was one of several demonstrations Monday in San Diego. There was one in San Ysidro. Another in Fallbrook.

(Photo Getty Images)

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