Comic-Con 2021 Is Postponed, But Virtual Event Will Happen In July

Comic-Con International announced that the 2021 convention in San Diego will be postponed until 2022. While the in-person event is on hiatus, the organization will conduct a 3-day virtual event July 23-25, 2021 and a smaller in person event will take place some time in November of 2021. The organization has not yet released details for the November event.

In a statement, the organization said "It is the policy of the organization to continue to closely monitor information from local and national healthcare officials as it pertains to the COVID-19 pandemic. Never could we have imagined what the world experienced in 2020 and continues to experience today. While we are buoyed by the rollout of the vaccine and the growing number of individuals being inoculated, it appears that July will still be too early to safely hold an in-person event of the magnitude of Comic-Con. For this reason, we have made the challenging decision to postpone Comic-Con 2021 as an in-person gathering until our 2022 dates, and once again hold this year's celebration as the free online Comic-Con@Home. Unfortunately, the challenges of this past year and the multiple postponements of our two largest events have left us with limited financial resources, so this year the online experience will be reduced to a three-day event, spanning July 23-25, 2021."

For the first time in 50 years, San Diego went without its world-famous Comic-Con convention in 2020 due to the pandemic. Comic-Con International said that anyone who purchased badges in 2020 that were rolled over to 2021 will automatically have those badges transferred to 2022 unless a refund is requested.

Photo: Getty Images

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