Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


The Dangers of a Dangerous Profession

For two days in a row now, and on far too many days, we have reported stories that remind us of the risks of law enforcement.

Yesterday it was a chase of a vehicle that started in the North County and ended in Serra Mesa during which shots were fired and a CHP officer was injured. Then this morning, the report about a Harbor Police officer exchanging gunfire with a guy after an apparent traffic stop. No one was hurt in this case near the downtown convention center.

But incidents like this happen every day somewhere; in California or other states and in other cities across the country. Sadly, sometimes these incidents end with a law enforcement officer losing their life. It happens in small towns, big cities and as we saw tragically on January 6th, even at the U.S. Capitol.

And every day when a cop goes to work and their family says goodbye, never knowing what the day will bring, that thought will often flash across their mind about whether they will return home.

When you think about it, it is a blessing that there are as many men and women who decide to be a cop. To be willing to put their own lives on the line to help protect others from acts of crime and violence. Especially at a time when cops continue to face plenty of criticism, questioning and even attacks just for being a cop.

And while there are a few cops who are not good cops, in a profession that demands great character and great competence, it would be a far more dangerous world without them. Just a thought as you head to your job today.

(Photo credit reporting partner 10News

Cliff Notes 3-2-21 Being a Cop

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