Cliff Notes on the News

Cliff Notes on the News

Veteran San Diego news director and reporter Cliff Albert shares his thoughts on the latest news and stories each weekday at 7:22am. Full Bio


Is the Extreme Weather Anything to Worry About?

Watching the news about the weather can be a pretty stressful thing lately.

Hot weather during the summer months in San Diego and elsewhere isn’t unusual, but what is, is the duration of the heat waves we’ve seen. From California to Texas, and elsewhere around the country, and to other countries in Europe and elsewhere, the numbers of days or weeks or even months of excessive temperatures are setting records.

Even In Phoenix, where of course triple digit temperatures are the norm this time of year, new records are being set for how long it has been super-hot with the mayor saying it has been relentless.

In Canada, they have their worst wildfires on record which have resulted in smoke and air pollution alerts across the skies of several U.S. states for months.

And in Greece, this month, they are describing it as a war against wildfires like they’ve never seen, with lots of Americans on vacation there fleeing hotels and catching flights home.

The videos and TV images of all of this extreme weather have a lot of people asking, what is going on?

Is it all about manmade global warming? vIs it all about climate change? vIs it too many big cities with too much steel and concrete and not enough trees and open spaces? vOr is it just natural and historical evolving weather patterns?

Whatever it is, everyone is certainly paying a lot more attention to the weather with some even worrying about what it all means.

At least here in San Diego we have a big ocean and big beaches to help us stay cool about it.

(Photo Getty Images)

TOPSHOT - A heat advisory sign is shown along US highway 190 during a heat wave in Death Valley National Park in Death Valley, California, on July 16, 2023. Tens of millions of Americans braced for more sweltering temperatures Sunday as brutal conditions Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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