The Miramar Air show begins tomorrow, but it’s likely you will hear the sounds and see some of the sights in the skies already today.
The Navy Blue Angels will be running through their demonstration this afternoon and if you’re anywhere within a few miles of the Marine base, it is likely you will hear them and see them as they roar over parts of the city.
The three day event this weekend, starting tomorrow, is billed as America’s largest military air show. And that’s not boasting.
San Diego is already known as the place that has more military bases than any other city in America.
And with the Marines based at MCAS Miramar and the those based at Camp Pendleton, and the sailors at Naval Base San Diego, at North Island and on Pt Loma, and all the warships homeported here, there are thousands upon thousands of military personnel serving here.
Add to that the thousands of retired military who live here and it is easy to see that San Diego has been for decades and remains a military town.
And we play an important role in the defense of our country here and abroad, with Marines and sailors constantly deployed to areas around the world.
So this weekend we celebrate and remember the men and women who choose to serve their country. Because as amazing as the high tech aircraft and ships are, it is the people who serve who are the most amazing. It is indeed America's Air Show.
(Photo MCAS Miramar)