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What Mayor Gloria's Homeless Crackdown is Causing

SAN DIEGO - San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria's latest crackdown on homeless encampments has led to a spike in citations and arrests.

According to data obtained by iNewSource, the number of arrests for encroachment and illegal lodging are up eight percent over last year. This after Mayor Gloria announced a recent push to get people off the streets and into shelters, saying at a recent briefing homeless persons don't have to accept the city's help, but there would be consequences.

Homeless advocates say the law enforcement approach isn't effective and criticize the move as health experts warn of a possible surge in new COVID-19 cases and as new survey data shows San Diego is the least affordable housing market in the nation.

More than 2,400 people are said to be living on the streets of San Diego, but some groups say the actual number may be higher.

Downtown Homeless 5

Photo: Eddie McCoven

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