LaDona Harvey

LaDona Harvey

LaDona Harvey is the former host of San Diego's Morning News on News Radio KOGO AM 600, she fills in on Talk Programming. Full Bio


Depression? Anxiety? You Are NOT Broken

People who deal with mental illness are not broken. They are different. 

I would know, I have leveraged both anxiety and depression into a great career. I have learned to use my loopy thought processes as tools to enhance my writing and my approach to radio. 

Sure, every once in a while I hit the skids, and flame-out in a spectacular way...Picture a rhino in a tornado. That's me. But I always get back up, and start motoring forward...smoking, dusty and spitting, but moving. 

I also used to think that I was broken. I hated the parts of my life and personality that got sucked into the maelstrom.

Hey, it took a while, but I have learned to ride out the storm...and even dance around my chaos. 

I now embrace the twisted way of thinking that makes me different...and notice that we are all twisted in our own special ways.  

I love how John breaks down the positives of our "crazy." 

Too often, we get bogged down in the negative, but those aspects are actually what make us interesting, talented, funny and in many cases, extremely compassionate. 

If you get a chance, read John's article, (click here,) and try to embrace those things about you, that you might perceive as negatives. You just might find yourself taking it a little easier on you. 

Hear what John told San Diego's Morning News about why he wrote about his own anxiety. 

John Tsilimparis

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