Harbor Drive Restrictions for Comic-Con 2018 You Need to Know

If you're attending Comic-Con 2018 or going downtown to people watch this year, you will notice some new restrictions around the San Diego Convention Center.

In years past, the many cars and crowds of people making their way to the convention center across Harbor Drive has been a delicate balance of metal and man. 

No badge? No access. This year, a big change made for safety and security reasons will restrict the front drive, stairs and surrounding sidewalks of the San Diego Convention Center to badge holders ONLY.

Access for badge holders will be clearly marked so be sure to tell that friend who doesn't have a badge, that they can't hang out with you in the outside line for Hall H.

In addition, beginning Wednesday at 3pm, Harbor Drive between First avenue and Park Boulevard will be closed to traffic, including bicycles and scooters. 

This year, an estimated 135,000 people will descend upon the city to take part in the annual event.

Comic-Con begins Wednesday night with a preview then four full days of all things comics, film and pop culture.

For FAQs from Comic-Con about the changes, click HERE

Listen to an interview with Comic Con's David Glanzer about this year's event and the future of Comic-Con in San Diego. Click HERE.

Photo Credit: Mary Ayala

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