San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

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He Makes David Duke Look Sane

 I will admit, I laughed when I started to read this. I couldn't believe someone would actually ADMIT to these things. As we talked about it in the newscenter, we imagined how awful it would be to be his parents. 

Then the bottom fell out, and we were simply...horrified. 

This guy ran websites for "like-minded pedophiles." 

He has bragged about choking and raping his ex-wife, who took her own life. 

He threatened to kill President Obama. That got him prison-time.

This felon would normally not be allowed to run for office, but his right to vote was restored by Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. 

This guy is a ticking time bomb. I wonder if anyone will do something about him BEFORE he strikes? 

Read more about him, and weep, here. 

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