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Life After the Pandemic - Managing Your Human and Pet Relationships

June 15th, the date designated as California's opening day. It's going to take some adjustment for many of us.

Getting back to work will be a return to human engagement, swapping out active wear for office wear and a loss of a flexible work schedule. It could also mean an adjustment to some current and new relationships both human and animal.

KOGO Reporter Eddie McCoven has produced a series of reports to help you prepare for some of the challenges.

Listen to Part Two below. A psychologist explains how we can stay close to people with whom we've re-connected with during lockdown in addition to dealing with any co-dependency that may have developed with others. The head of the San Diego Humane Society discusses how to deal with leaving your furry friend on his own after getting used to becoming your co-worker during the pandemic.

Listen to the morning news at 6:11am or 8:11am for another segment of Life After the Pandemic; Adjusting to our new normal or check back here for updates.

If you missed Part 1, Eddie talked to a psychologist on how to best approach your return to an office environment and how to approach your boss about keeping some of the work at home flexibility. Listen HERE.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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