San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

San Diego's Morning News with Ted and Veronica

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What to Think About During Scary Times

“It’s not over.” The words of the city of Los Angeles Fire Chief are not what anyone wants to hear. But with the return of Santa Ana winds, it is what’s happening.

Fire Chief Kristin Crowley calling the fires in L-A “one of the most challenging natural events in the history of the city”.

When the experts who know fire-fighting better than anyone say things like this you know just how serious things have been and are.

Yes things have been very scary in Los Angeles County for more than a week and now it could last at least a few more days.

The stories we’ve all been hearing and seeing of the tens of thousands of people who have lost homes and family members who lost their lives trying to save their homes and now another round of winds can make for scary times.

But there is hope that we can hang on to from the fire lines themselves.

As Mr. Rogers once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

Those helpers include the brave firefighters as well as the thousands of private citizens in L-A and even here in San Diego who are donating money and supplies to help others.

(Photo Getty Images)

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

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