The California Report with Carl DeMaio

The California Report with Carl DeMaio

The California Report with Carl DeMaio offers candid discussion on the latest in local and national political headlines, policies and reform. The...Full Bio


Why All Californians Need to Support the Recall Against LA DA George Gascon

With crime surging throughout Los Angeles county, a recall has been launched to remove District Attorney George Gascon from office for refusing to prosecute and punish criminals


In 2020 George Gascon narrowly won the race for Los Angeles District Attorney by claiming that the criminal justice system was a racist institution, police officers abused their powers too much, and criminals needed “restorative justice” rather than punishment. Less than halfway through his term, Los Angeles is being rocked by skyrocketing crime – from smash-and-grab robberies to a wave of violence and homicides.

Gascon has repeatedly declined to press charges against criminals and has consistently sought minimal or no punishment for those who are charged. Worse, Gascon’s office is facilitating no-bail release of criminals while they await trial.

Now concerned citizens are banding together to remove Gascon from office using the Recall process and replace him with a District Attorney who will get tough on crime.

This week the recall against George Gascon got a boost when Reform California headed by Carl DeMaio announced their endorsement of the effort. Reform California is the largest grassroots activist organization in the state and has a track record of success with recalls.

“We support the recall of this dangerous coddle-the-criminal politician from office not only for the safety of Los Angeles residents, but because ending his political career with this Recall will send a message statewide and nationally that voters reject coddle-the-criminal policies of the Left,” said DeMaio.

Supporters need to collect more than half-a-million signatures of voters registered in Los Angeles county and have an early summer deadline to hit to get the Recall on the November 2022 ballot.

In announcing his endorsement of the Recall against George Gascon, DeMaio had Recall proponent Steve Cooley (himself a former Los Angeles District Attorney) on his radio show to discuss the campaign (full interview segment below).

If you are a registered voter in Los Angeles county, we urge you to immediate download and sign the petition ASAP and help collect signatures before the deadline. Or consider contributing to the campaign directly.

Petition website:

Contribute to this fight HERE!

Click the link below to listen to Carl break down why all Californians need to support the recall against LA District Attorney George Gascon!

Photo Credit: Getty Images


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