The California Report with Carl DeMaio

The California Report with Carl DeMaio

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Amy Reichert to Run Against Controversial County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher

After years of controversy, flip-flops on positions, and allegations of conflicts-of-interest, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher faces tough re-election challenge


The race is on for San Diego County Supervisor District 4 and the outcome of this race could determine the overall direction of county government for years to come. 

Incumbent County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher has drawn criticism for policy positions that his critics say are extreme and hurt working families in his district. Fletcher has backed costly lockdowns and regulations that have hurt small businesses, supported costly and unfair tax hikes on working families, undermined law enforcement, and promoted a ban on in-person classroom instruction for more than a year in local public schools.

In addition to concerns about Fletcher’s policy positions, many of his critics say he has been a divisive figure on the county board and has helped create a “hostile environment” in county government. In 2021, Fletcher made the unsubstantiated claim that “Neo-Nazi” and “white supremacist[s]” were responsible for the success of the signature drive that led to the recall election against Gavin Newsom. More than 2 million voters from all political backgrounds signed the petition and the coalition backing the recall was actually quite diverse.

Stepping up to the plate to run against Nathan Fletcher is Amy Reichert - a small business owner and parent who says she’s “concerned about Fletcher’s bad policies and bad behavior.”  

Reichert has tangled with Fletcher for the past two years as the co-founder of an organization called ReOpen San Diego, which she formed to fight back against Nathan Fletcher’s lockdown orders and soft-on-crime policies. 

“As a mom, I’ve watched local county politicians and county public health officials shut down playgrounds, beaches, and trails,” said Reichert. “At the same time that schools were closed, small businesses were destroyed, and workers lost income, privileged politicians like Nathan Fletcher never skipped a paycheck and actually personally benefited financially from the lockdowns,” she continued.

“Fletcher ignored parents and small business people calling into the Board of Supervisors begging for help, and demanded the San Diego Sheriff’s department shift tax dollars from crime-fighting to harass small business owners,” noted Reichert. 

Reichert, a resident of San Diego for 50 years, says she also will take a more thoughtful and respectful approach to listening to community viewpoints and wants to restore inclusivity and positive leadership in county government. 

“We deserve someone who will listen to everyone, and I promise if I am elected I will listen to people,” said Reichert. “Most of all, unlike my opponent Nathan Fletcher, I promise to not limit public comment or shut people out from addressing their elected representatives,” she committed.

A state-licensed investigator, Reichert also plans to direct the policing of violent crime again, to audit wasteful County spending, and to lower taxes — not raise them.

Reichert is already winning key endorsements in her race against Fletcher from community members, small business owners, parent coalition leaders, and most recently tax fighter and Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio.

“From the draconian lockdowns and costly regulations he imposed on small businesses to the way he undermines law enforcement to his support for costly tax hikes on working families, Nathan Fletcher is hurting San Diegans across-the-board,” said DeMaio.

“That’s why I’m proud to endorse Amy Reichert and urge all San Diegans to unite behind her so we can remove the toxicity that Nathan Fletcher has brought into county government,” DeMaio concluded.

DeMaio says he is making Reichert’s campaign for Supervisor a “top target race” in 2022 and plans to mobilize support for her campaign through his volunteer army he’s built in San Diego county through Reform California.

Amy Reichert is asking for San Diegans to help her in her campaign to unseat Fletcher and reopen San Diego. You can contribute to her efforts here:

Get More Information: Elect Amy Reichert to the Board of Supervisors 

You can learn more about Amy Reichert for Supervisor here:

Photo Credit: Amy Reichert

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